Wednesday 11 November 2020

Explanation - The Atmosphere

 The Atmosphere 


Earth has lots of different parts and systems to help it function. There are four particular parts that we could certainly not live without; these are Earth's spheres. These four spheres are called the Biosphere, Geosphere, Atmosphere and Hydrosphere. In my explanation, I will be informing you about the Atmosphere.

What is the atmosphere?

This question is commonly asked when someone has first heard of earth and its spheres. Well, the atmosphere is a layer of thin gases which surrounds the earth, it seals the planet and protects us from the vacuum of space. In other words, the atmosphere is a blanket of gases. A blanket of gases means the atmosphere is a bunch of harmful and non - harmful gases that protect us from the hazardous but amazing space.

Are the different layers in the atmosphere?

What are they called? What do they do?

Yes, the Atmosphere has layers. The six different layers are known as the Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Ionosphere and Exosphere. The Ionosphere is not a part of the other five main layers. The order of the five main layers go, Exosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere and Troposphere; Troposphere being the lowest layer and exosphere being the highest layer.


The Troposphere is the layer closest to Earth's surface. This particular layer includes the air we breathe and the clouds. It is also the layer where planes would fly. The Troposphere holds three-quarters of the mass of the entire atmosphere. This is the biggest layer. 


The stratosphere carries the EXTREMELY important ozone layer. The ozone layer protects us from ultraviolet radiation that comes from the sun. Actually, the ozone layer absorbs the UV rays. Without this layer, we life wouldn't be possible.


The Mesosphere is the third closest layer to earth. The mesosphere burns up all the asteroids and meteors before they enter the earth. This layer is approximately 35 kilometres thick ( 22 miles) and is about 50 to 85 kilometres wide ( 31 - 53 miles). The mesosphere is by far the coldest layer of the atmosphere, dropping to as low as -173 degrees celsius ( 100 k) 


The Thermosphere is the hottest layer of the atmosphere, reaching temperatures as high as 1727 degrees celsius ( 2000 k). The atmosphere has an extension that begins between 80km and 120km from the earth. Just like the stratosphere, the thermosphere soaks up the UV radiation and x-ray given by the sun. It also gives us a complete exploration of space.


The exosphere is the furthest away from earth and the last layer I will be explaining today. This layer is the very first protection layer we have; before all the other layers catch the rest that the exosphere can’t. Exosphere helps atoms to escape from the atmosphere and into space. Unlike the other atmospheric layers; exosphere is the only sphere with a definite shape. The Exosphere contains the lightest gases such as hydrogen and helium


Overall you can see that the atmosphere is exceptionally important. If the atmosphere didn’t exist we the biosphere and all the other spheres wouldn’t live either. The atmosphere protects us from the dangers of space. Make sure you remember how important the atmosphere is.  


Ultraviolet radiation (UV ray) - Invisible rays that are apart of the energy that comes from the sun 

Atoms - the smallest particle of a chemical that can exist ( a molecule)

Hydrogen - a colourless, odourless, highly flammable gas.

Helium - An inert gas which is the lightest member of the noble gas series. This also means a chemical element.

Exploration - the action of exploring an unfamiliar area

Atmospheric - relating to the atmosphere of the earth. 

Approximately - used to show something is almost, but not completely, accurate or exact (roughly

Mass - a large body of matter with no definite shape

Absorbs - sokes up or takes in (like a sponge)

Sunday 18 October 2020

The volcano - description

The volcano

Grrrr! The fiend has awoken from its dormant days of nothingness. Fiercely the lava comes vomiting out of the volcano, into the air like water coming out of a whale. Loud gloops of orange liquid can be heard as if someone was gagging next to me. Other annoying, scary noises appear as the dragon’s lava becomes crueller. The intense heat rises in the air and becomes very overwhelming. Dark smoke clouds cloak the earth shutting out the light from the stars. Earth’s beast cackles crazily as more lava seeps out. 

 Strong wafts of smoke burn everyone's nostrils. Humidity crosses the air as gas spreads at an alarming rate. The monster is upset and furious as people aren't caring for earth. “Just care for earth!”. An immense lightning bolt strikes, attacking the air. Static electricity tingles through my body every time lightning appears. Slowly snow droops down the angry mountain and melts away; it looks as if the demon was crying. Sadly the shiny, bright stars fade as cloud devils hide them away. More and more pours out of the villain's mouth. Gradually, the harsh lava calms down. “Have they learnt their lesson?” 

Wednesday 9 September 2020

description - the race


The race

HISSSS! Whistling noisily, the wind floats in between the trees. Crowds of parents, friends and family howl; they cheer supportively for their child. Like an erupting volcano, mud splatters everywhere covering everyone near. Stomping into the squishy, brown substance is the feet of the runners who leave deep footprints in it. Grass gets wrenched out of the ground, leaving splotches in certain spots in the field. Athletes faces aflame as they charge through. Children launch themselves over the low, narrow, wooden hurdle. The sky grey-ish white with clouds, loom over everyone bringing a chill to the field. Protecting kids from the mud, is old singlets and shorts. The murky spinach coloured building seems lonely behind the bright faced crowd. Shivering supporters cross their arms to keep the warmth in. parents frown in concentration as they stare at the entrance where the runners should appear through soon. The wind becoming more forceful makes it tougher for the competitors to push on. Sprouting up high splashing people in the face, is the gooey brown liquid, now everywhere. Shoes that are vibrant fun colours now cloaked with mud making them look old and gloomy. The lavatories moss coloured roof, sits there ominously, looking desperate for a fix. Some other people on the sideline are weighed down by the layers and layers of clothing they wear to keep them extra cozy and warm. Mud that is lathered up people's legs is now dry and slowly dropping off them, leaving red marks. Cemented in the ground is the footwear of crowd goers who are now stuck in one spot. Joy on athletes' faces tells everyone how much their enjoying themselves. I wish I could be one of them rolling in the mud, smiles from ear to ear. 

Sunday 30 August 2020

Alliteration poem - interesting things

Alliteration Poem 

Interesting things

Gleeful gymnastics with gorgeous gymnasts, gracefully gliding across the floor 

Gigantic gooey toasted sandwiches go great with green ghost drool 

Girls glued golden grass to a grumpy goat with gross ghoul blood

Grape juice gets grilled with a giggling granny potion

Gru orders golden glop from Germany

Grucilla gibbler, gabbles greatly about a glowing globe 

Gossiping Grinch’s garden glitches green with granny smith apples


Monday 24 August 2020

A narrative about losing a winning lotto ticket - Ellie and the lotto ticket

 Title: Ellie and the lotto ticket 


“Hmm I wonder what we should have for dinner tonight,” Ellie asked herself before she disappeared to the grocery store.’ I’ll just decide when I get there, It can be a surprise dinner for the family ’. Ellie cheerfully skipped over to the village center ready to plan her exciting dinner. 

“Ooo I better check my lotto ticket,” Ellie said suddenly remembering that tonight was the big one million. That is a big amount considering they were a third world country. BEEP! Ellie scans the ticket. Will she win?...

Paragraph 1 - she wins

“YASSSSSSSSSSS,” Ellie howled, as she launched in the air. Ellie danced around the people having a party of her own. she had won. The shocked and excited look on Ellie’s face showed how amazed she was. A crowd started to loom over her like trees in a forest. Ellie stared vigorously at the ticket ignoring the people around her. The villagers murmured about her, to each other, but Ellie didn’t care. The whole world around her stopped for a minute and at that moment she thought about how grateful she was. Instead of going back to shopping she dashed home, she desperately needed to tell her family. She weaved between people, slid between houses and ran through the dirt fields and through the twisted forest.

Paragraph - 2 kidnapped

Ellie was almost home, she just had to get through the twisted forest. She rushed, trying to get there as fast as she could. Then suddenly darkness. Ellie awoke in a stone lair her head aching. It was very old and had many different potions splattered all over the place. Where was she? How was she going to get out? Ellie was so scared and sore, she hadn’t realized that her hands were tied to a pole. She was shivering in fear and cold. 

“Hello Ellie, ” said a witch appearing from behind the door. Ellie didn’t reply and just stared. The witch was old, her skin wrinkled and grey looking. Her long purple fingernails, sharp as scissors, her hair was broken bristles of a paint brush, her fiendish eyes flames danced inside and her nose long and crooked. In the witches hand, hidden behind her, Ellie spotted her lotto ticket. 

“ That's mine,” she said pointing at the ticket.

“ Yes your right, but I’m going to use it to get the strongest potions, make a dangerous concoction and take over the world haha”  cackled the witch. 

“ You can’t do that,” announced Ellie, trying to move but couldn’t get out of the strong rope knotted behind her.

“ Well you can’t stop me now,” she whispered, crawling up to Ellie's face like a spider. Was Ellie ever going to get out?

Paragraph 3 - capturing the witch 

The witch had left the room, hiding the ticket away. Ellie needed to untie her hands but how. Then something caught Ellie's eye. Matches! But they were quite far away on top of the table. So using her long dangly legs, she stretched as far as she could, only just knocking them off and sliding them in with her feet. She carefully lit one match and bent herself  in half. holding the match in her feet, she put the flame near her hands where the rope was tied in a knot. Sssss! The rope was burning slowly until. SNAP!  Yes Ellie was free but she still had to find that lotto ticket. She snuck into the witches room while the witch was in the bathroom taking a cold shower. Ellie looked through every draw twice, until she bumped into something but it wasn’t visible. She found the handle and pulled it out. Hesitantly  she put her hand in. the only thing in there was her lotto ticket, she pulled it out. The witch came into the room singing her towel balancing on her head. She didn’t see Ellie since she had run out of the room and hid. She made the secret draw visible and screamed. Where was it thought the evil witch? While the witch was looking, Ellie had drawn a fake lotto ticket. She tied it to a rope on the floor and the rope connected to a cage. Ellie hid and waited for the witch to come to look out here. The witch came out. She looked and saw the fake lotto ticket. “Yesssss” she wailed. Then she stopped, where Ellie was. Well she looks like she's gone and left this here so hahaha thought the witch. She grabbed and then CRASH! She was trapped by Ellie. Ellie came out of her hiding spot and waved the real lotto ticket in the witch's face then Ellie ran.


Ellie sprinted out of the witch’s lair and kept running until she could no longer hear the wailing screams of the witch. Then she stopped pulling out her compass. She used the compass, the compass had her whole town on it and always pointed her in the direction of the village in case she got lost. She finally found her way home. As soon as she opened the door she was enveloped in hugs by her kids and her husband. 

“ Where have you been, two days have passed since we’ve seen you? We were worried sick” said her husband with a sigh of relief. 

“Well” said Ellie then she continued with the rest of her terrific story, which only her kids believed. When Ellie had finished the story her husband was so happy as he had just found out they had won lotto. They celebrated by having a fancy dinner together and  dancing all night. It was spectacular. The family bought a nice home in Paris and also gave some money to the charities back where they used to live in Ethiopia. The family became very wealthy from then on. Both Ellie and her husband had good paying jobs. Ellie always thought about the day she won the lotto, then she imagined what life would’ve been like if they hadn’t.  Now Ellie knows never ever go near the twisted forest again. 

Have I:


  • Written an introduction with an interesting hook?


  • Described the setting and characters?

Yes - some

  • Included a variety of details like thoughts, feelings and the five senses?


  • Used a variety of words to link events?


  • Written a resolution with an impactful closing?

Kind of 

  • Used paragraphs


  • Used interesting and powerful vocabulary?


  • Corrected most spelling, punctuation and grammar?

Some of it

Two things I did well were… 

Using similes, personification and metaphors


Something I can improve is… 

Not stretching the paragraphs out to much, it’s too long

Making my endings more interesting